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obsolete form

  • 41 rudimentär

    Adj. rudimentary
    * * *
    * * *
    ru|di|men|tär [rudimEn'tɛːɐ]
    1. adj
    rudimentary; (BIOL) Organ auch vestigial
    2. adv

    rudimentä́r ausgebildet — rudimentary

    rudimentä́r vorhanden sein — to be vestigial

    * * *
    (primitive or undeveloped: rudimentary tools.) rudimentary
    * * *
    adj inv (fig) rudimentary
    * * *
    (Biol., geh.) Adjektiv rudimentary
    adverbial in a rudimentary form
    * * *
    rudimentär adj rudimentary
    * * *
    (Biol., geh.) Adjektiv rudimentary
    adverbial in a rudimentary form
    * * *
    obsolete adj.
    rudimentary adj. adv.
    rudimentarily adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > rudimentär

  • 42 blika

    * * *
    (að), v. to gleam, twinkle (of shields).
    * * *
    u, f. light clouds foreboding storms, such as the Engl. call ‘mare’s tails,’ (regn-blika, vind-blika), hence the saying, e-m lízt ekki a blikuna, when matters look threatening; freq. in mod. usage, though no instance is on record in old writers.
    2. medic. pallor, Dan. blegesot, Fél. ix. 201.
    að, and blíkja, bleik, bliku, an old obsolete poët. form, of which only remain the forms, 3rd pers. pl. pret. bliku, fulgebant, Vkv. 6, Fas. i. 186 (in a verse): infm., blíkja, Hkr. i. 96 (in a verse); 3rd pers. pl. pres. blíkja, fulgent, Grág. ii. 170, in an old law form; part. blíkjanda, Edda 231, [Lat. fulgere; Germ. blicken, cp. blitzen; Engl to blink]:—to gleam, twinkle, Lat. micare; the stars ‘blika,’ the sun ‘skín;’ used of arms, skildir bliku þeirra við hinn skarða mána, Vkv. l. c.; bliku reið er Regin átti, Fas. l. c.; á baki létu blíkja (of the shields), Hkr. l. c.; skildir blika við 1 Rauðaskriðum, Nj. 143, cp. Grág. ii. 170; blikuðu þar skildir við, Eg. 724; blika við sólu, Fbr. 156; blíkjanda (part.) böl, gleaming bale, of the hall of Hela, Edda l. c.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > blika

  • 43 BRENNA

    * * *
    (brenn; brann, brunnum; brunninn), v.
    1) to burn with a flame (logi, ljós, eldr, kerti brennr);
    2) to be consumed by fire (á Flugumýri brann fé mikit);
    nú breðr (= brennr) víðara en hann vildi, the fire spreads wider than he wished;
    brenna inni, to perish by fire;
    brenna upp, to be burnt up (á þeiri nátt brann upp allt Danavirki);
    hlutr e-s brennr við, one gets the worst of it;
    brann brátt þeirra hlutr við, it soon grew too hot for them;
    rautt mun fyrir brenna, mun nökkut fyrir brenna, things will brighten up or improve.
    (-da, -dr), v.
    1) to burn (brenna bál);
    2) to destroy by fire (brenna bœ, hof, skip at köldum kolum);
    brenna e-t upp, to burn up;
    3) to cauterize (as a surgical operation);
    brenna e-n við bölvi, to burn one to cure his malady;
    brenna e-m díla, to burn spots on one’s back; fig. to brand one’s back;
    brenna e-m illan díla, to inflict a severe injury upon one;
    4) to produce by burning (brenna e-t til líms);
    brenna salt, to produce salt by burning (sea-weed);
    5) to purify (silver or gold) by burning;
    brent silfr, pure silver (eyrir brendr, mörk brend).
    f. the burning of a house or person (þá er brenna var á Flugumýri; Njáls brenna).
    * * *
    an old obsol. form brinna; pret. brann, 2nd pers. brant, mod. branst; pl. brunnu; sup. brunnit; pres. brenn, 3rd pers. brennr; old breðr, Grág. ii. 295, Fms. vii. 20 (in a verse); brenn (dropping the r), Hm. 56; with the neg. suffix, brennr-at ( non urit), 153, [Ulf. brinnan; A. S. byrnan; Early Engl. to ‘brenn;’ Germ. brennen; the strong form is almost obsolete in Germ.]:—to burn:
    1. of a light; þeir þóttust sjá fjögr ljós b., Nj. 118, Fas. i. 340; hrælog brunnu ( blazed) af vápnum þeirra, Bs. i. 509: of a candle, to burn out, eigi lengr en kerti þat brennr, Fas. i. 341, 342; cp. Fms. viii. 276.
    2. to be consumed by fire; kyrtillinn var brunninn, Fms. xi. 420; nú breðr viðara en hann vildi, the fire spreads wider than he would, Grág. l. c.
    β. of a volcano; er hér brann hraunit, er nú stöndu vér á, Bs. i. 22; brann þá Borgarhraun, Landn. 78, Ann. several times.
    γ. b. upp, to be burnt up. Grág. i. 459, K. Þ. K. 42; b. inni, to perish by fire, Gþl. 252, Nj. 198, 200.
    δ. to fester, Fms. xi. 288.
    ε. to be scolded, Eb. 198; skulu grónir grautar dílarnir þeir er þú brant, 200.
    3. metaph. in the phrase, e-t or e-s hlutr brennr við, one’s lot or portion of meat gets burnt in the cooling, one gets the worst of it; broth ‘brennr við,’ is burnt: ortu bændr þegar á um bardagann ( they made an onslaught), en þó brann brátt þeirra hlutr við, but it grew soon too hot for them, Fms. iv. 250; Sigurðr kvað sitt skyldu við brenna, quoth Sigurd, he would get the worst of it, i. e. it would never do, Fær. 236: the phrase, e-t brennr fyrir, or e-t rautt brennr fyrir, of bright hopes, rautt mun fyrir b. ok til virðingar snúa, Fs. 68; mun enn nokkut fyrir b. er þér komit heim, Fas. iii. 81.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BRENNA

  • 44 EF

    * * *
    (older form if), conj.
    1) if, in case (aldri hefðir þú í borgina komit, ef ek hefða vitat); in poetry generally with subj.; vega þú gakk, ef vreiðr séir (sér), if thou be wroth;
    2) = hvárt, if, whether (Egill spurði, ef hann vildi upp ór gröfinni);
    3) as a relat. part., sá ef = sá er (rare).
    n. doubt; ef er á e-u, it is doubtful; ekki er til efs, at, it cannot be doubted that; útan ef, without doubt.
    * * *
    A. neut. subst., older form if, Barl. 114, 124, Hkv. l. c., Vellekla l. c., Hkv. Hjörv. 33:—doubt, used in plur., hver sé if, what doubt can there be? Vellekla: it still remains in the phrase, mér er til efs, I doubt; en þar sem ef er á, wherever it is doubtful, K. Á. 28; hvervetna þar sem ef er á nokkuru máli, 204; ekki er til efs, at þeir menn ríða at grindhliði, it cannot be doubted, that…, Lv. 19; sæmilig til efs, dubiously good, rather had, Vm. 55; utan ef, without doubt, Fms. vii. 37, Stj. 421; fyrir utan allt ef, H. E. i. 519, Barl. l. c.
    B. conj. [Goth. ibai; A. S. and Scot. gif; Engl. if; O. H. G. ipu; Germ. ob; lost in Swed. and Dan.]:—if, in case; en ef þit eigit erfingja, Nj. 3; ef eigi ( unless) væri jafnhugaðr sem ek em, 264; ef þú átt þrjár orrostur við Magnús konung, Fms. vi. 178; ef hann er varmr, if he is warm, 655 xxx. 1: very freq. as a law term = in case that, Grág., N. G. L.; en ef þeir gjalda eigi, þá, i. 127; en ef (MS. en) þeir vilja eigi festa, id.
    β. in poetry often with subj. (as in Engl.); inn þú bjóð, ef Eiríkr sé, if it be Eric, bid him come in, Em. I: nálgastu mik, ef þú megir, if thou may’st, Gm. 53; vega þú gakk, ef þú reiðr sér, if thou be wroth, Ls. 15; ef Gunnars missi, Akv. 11; ef hann at yðr lygi, Am. 31; ef sér geta mætti, Hm. 4; heilindi sitt ef maðr hafa nái (better than nair), 67: ellipt. passages where ‘if’ is omitted, but the subj. retained, v. Lex. Poët.; skór er skapaðr illa eðr skapt sé rangt (= ef skapt sé rangt), Hm. 127; but indic. sometimes occurs, ef hann freginn erat, 30; ef þitt æði dugir (indic.) ok þú Vafþrúðnir vitir (subj.), Vþm. 20: in prose the subj. is rare, and only in peculiar cases, e. g. nú munu vér á þá hættu leggja, ef (if, i. e. granted, supposed that) ek ráða ok binda ek við hann vináttu, Fms. iv. 82; ok bæta um þat, ef konunginum hafi yfirgefizt, xi. 283; þat var háttr Erlings, ef úvinir hans kæmi fyrir hann, vii. 319; en skotið á þá, ef þeir færi nær meginlandi, viii. 419; ef ek lifi ok mega’k ráða, Edda 34.
    II. if, whether, Germ. ob, with indic. or subj.; sjá nú, ef Jakob leysir hann af þessum böndum, 655 xxx. 3; þá spyrr Frigg, ef sú kona vissi, then Frigg asks, if the woman knew, Edda 37; hann kom opt á mál við konung, ef hann mundi vilja bæta Þórólf, Eg. 106; Egill spurði, ef hann vildi upp ór gröfinni, 234; at Bölverki þeir spurðu, ef hann væri með böndum kominn, Hm. 109; hitt vil ek fyrst vita, ef þú fróðr sér, Vþm. 6; vittu ef þú hjálpir, see if thou canst help, Og. 5:—this sense is now obsolete, and ‘hvárt’ (hvort) is used

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > EF

  • 45 FLJÚGA

    * * *
    (flýg; flaug, flugum; floginn), v.
    1) to fly (fór svá hart sem fugl flygi);
    2) fig. of weapons, sparks, rumours, etc. (spjótit flaug yfir hann; gneistarnir flugu);
    3) f. á e-n, to fly at or on one.
    * * *
    pres. flýg, pl. fljúgum; pret. flaug, 2nd pers. flaugt, mod. flaugst, pl. flugum; another old pret. fló, Haustl. 2, 8, Þkv. 5, 9, Gh. 17, Ýt. 14, and prose passim; the form flaug is very rare, in old poets; fló is now quite obsolete, flaug, pl. flugu, being the current form: part. floginn; sup. flogit; pret. subj. 1st pers. flygja, 3rd pers. flygi; with the neg. suf. flýgrat, Hm. 151: [not on record in Goth., as the Apocal. is lost in Ulf.; A. S. fleôgan; Engl. fly; O. H. G. fliôgan; Germ. fliegen; Dutch vliegen; Swed. flyge; Dan. flyve: cp. flug]:—to fly, Lat. volare, of birds; in the allit. phrase, fuglinn fljúgandi; valr flýgr, Grág. ii. 170; fló sá hrafn aptr um stafn, Landn. 29; fló hann þangat til, Niðrst. 4; at fljúga eigi upp fyrr, Edda 60; Johannes flaug upp til himins, Hom. 47.
    2. metaph., fljúga á e-n (á-flog, q. v.), to fly at one another, in a fight, Nj. 32: recipr., fljúgask á, to join in a fight, N. G. L. i. 46, Nj. 56.
    β. of weapons, sparks, rumour, and the like; spjótið fló yfir hann fram, Nj. 58: kesjan flaug í völlinn, Eg. 379; gneistarnir ( the sparks) flugu, Fms. viii. 8; at vápn skyli falla at manni eðr f. at honum, Grág. Kb. 108; fljúgandi fleinn, Hm. 85, 151; fleinn floginn, Höfuðl. 12: um konu þá fló út ferlegt úorðan, Hom. 115; sá kvittr fló í bygðinni, Fms. ix. 237: flaug þat sem sinu-eldr, i. 21.
    γ. of shooting pains (vide flog); þaðan af fló á hann mein þat, Bs. i. 446.
    II. in old poetry and on Runic stones, used = flýja (q. v.), to flee, Lat. fugere; sá er eigi fló at Uppsölum, who fled not at Upsala, Baut. 1169; en þínir fjándr flugu, Hkm. 12; fló ór landi, fled from the land, Ýt. 14.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FLJÚGA

  • 46 HIMINN

    * * *
    (gen. himins, dat. himni; pl. himnar), m. heaven; undir berum himini, in the open air.
    * * *
    m. [the form hifinn occurs rarely, Fms. x. 10 (v. l.), Hb. (1866) thrice; the mod. form is himin, without the inflexive n; the root consonant varies between m and f (or v), the final between n and l, cp. Goth. himins, A. S. heofon, Engl. heaven, Hel. himil, O. H. G. himila, Germ. as also mod. Dan. and Swed. himmel; this interchange of f and m is analogous to ‘of’ and ‘um’ (umb), ‘sofa’ and ‘sömn’ (i. e. svefn), ‘kufl’ and ‘kumbl,’ Lat. sopio and somnus, etc. ☞ The mythol. Gimle (Vsp. 63) is probably dat. of an obsolete himil derived from the time when the initial h was still sounded gutturally]:—heaven; in the old heathen creed the heavenly vault was the skull of the giant Ymir, Gm. 40, Vþm. 21, Edda sub init.; and is called by the poets ‘the giant’s skull,’ ‘the burden of the dwarfs’ (vide dvergr), etc.; the heavens were nine, the names of which are recorded in Edda (Gl.):—Níu eru himnar á hæð talðir, cp. Alm. 12, 13; upp-h., the ether, Vsp. 3; nú heldr jörð griðum upp, en himinn varðar fyrir ofan en hafit Rauða fyrir útan er liggr um lönd öll, Grág. i. 166; jafnhárt upp sem himinn, Edda 60 (in a verse); leikr hár hiti við h., sjálfan, Vsp. 58; hinn slétti h., Vþm. 46: allit., heiðr himin, Hbl. 19, Eb. 48 new Ed., v. l.; haf og h., sea and heaven; himin ok jörð, heaven and earth, Nj. 194; áðr stjarna komi á himin, ere the stars came up in heaven, Grág. ii. 322.
    β. phrases, undir berum himni, under the bare sky, freq.; hann ann mér eigi at hafa himininn jafnan yfir höfði sér sem hann hefir sjálfr, Vápn. 20; þykjask taka h. höndum, to think one grasps heaven with one’s hands, of high fantastic hopes; þat hugðum vér bændr … at vér hefðim þá höndum himin tekit, en nú …, Hkr. i. 141, Sighvat (Bersögl. vísur), Al. 118; himins-emdi, the end, border of heaven, Vþm. 37, Edda 12.
    2. the heathen conception of a plurality of heavens caused the plural to be mostly used by Christian writers, esp. after the Reformation, also, Guð á himnum, God in the heavens; Faðir á himnum, Gr. ἐν τοις οὐρανοις, N. T., following the Gr. text; himnum að, towards the heavens, Pass. 34. 1; hér og á himnum bæði, 24. 7: himna-Guð, God in the heavens, Sól. 6, Stj.; stíga til himna, to ascend to the heavens, Gþl. 40; himna-fagnaðr, heavenly joy, Hom. 30; himna-brauð, bread from the heavens, manna, Post.; himna-fæðsla, id., Stj.; himna-för, ascension to the heavens; himna-ljós, the light of the heavens, Pass. 3. 3; hinma-hallir, the halls of the heavens, 25. 13; himna-konungr, the king of the heavens, Hom., Fms. i. 141; himna-mjöl, the flour of the heavens, manna, Stj., Al. 64; himna-sjón, heavenly sight, Greg. 35; himna-vist, an abode in the heavens, Hom.; himna-ríki, n. the kingdom of the heavens, N. T., in old writers himin-ríki.
    II. metaph. (like Gr. οὐρανός), a canopy, covering, cp. Germ. trag-himmel; sængr-himinn, a bed canopy: poët., brúna-himinn, heaven of the brows, the forehead, Kormak; ál-himin, the heaven or covering of the deep, the ice, Eyvind.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HIMINN

  • 47 KUNNA

    * * *
    (kann, kunna, kunnat), v.
    1) to know, understand (þú kannt margt þat er eigi kunnu aðrir menn);
    2) to know (by memory);
    ljóð ek þau kann, er kannat þjóðans kona, I know songs, such as no king’s daughter knows;
    3) to know a person;
    unni honum hverr maðr, er hann (acc.) kunni, every man that knew him loved him;
    4) spec. phrases;
    kunna hóf at um e-t, kunna hóf sitt, to know the proper mean, to behave with moderation;
    uxarnir kunnu þó heim, the oxen found their way home;
    kunna enga mannraun to have no experience of men;
    kunna e-m þökk, aufusu, to be thankful, obliged to one;
    5) kunna sik, to know oneself (sá er svinnr, er sik kann); to behave well (G. kveðst mundu meiða hann, ef hann kynni sik eigi);
    6) kunna sér e-t, to understand, have clear knowledge of (something as concerning oneself or touching one’s own interest);
    kunna sér margt, to be skilled in many things;
    kunna fyrir sér = kunna sér; also ellipt. know how to conduct oneself;
    7) with dat. to know;
    ek kan skapi Gunnhildar, I know Gunhild’s temper;
    8) kunna e-n e-s or um e-t, to blame a person for a thing (eigi hugða ek, at hann mætti mik þessa kunna);
    eigi er hann um þat at kunna, he is not to be blamed for it;
    Eyjúlfr lézt því nafni mundu vel kunna, E. said he should be well pleased with that name;
    10) to be able, with infin.;
    þú skalt eigi kunna frá tíðindum at segja, thou shalt not escape to tell the tale;
    11) to chance, happen;
    hvar sem þik kann at at bera, wheresoever thou may happen to arrive.
    * * *
    pres. (in pret. form) kann, kannt (kanntú), kann; pl. kunnum, kunnut, kunnu (mod. kunnum, kunnit, kunna); pret. kunni; subj. kynni; imperat. kunn; part. neut. kunnat; the pres. infin. kunnu for kunna is obsolete, whereas a pret. infin. kunnu, potuisse, occurs, Ísldr. 9: with neg. suff. kann-at, Hm. 147; kann-k-a ek, I know not, Skálda (Thorodd) 167, Hallfred; see Gramm. p. xxiii: [Ulf. kunnan = γιγνώσκειν, εἰδέναι; A. S. and Hel. cunnan; O. H. G. kunnan; in these old languages, the two senses of knowing how to do and being able to do are expressed by the same form, and this remains in Dan. kunde, Swed. kunna: in others, a distinction is made: Old Engl. and Scot. ken, know and can; Germ. kennen and können.]
    A. To know, understand, of art, skill, knowledge, with acc.; hann þóttisk rísta henni manrúnar, en hann kunni þat eigi, Eg. 587; hann kunni margar tungur, Fms. xi. 326; þú kannt mart þat er eigi kunnu aðrir menn, v. 236; k. seið, Vsp. 25; Hann ræddi, ef hann kynni nafn Guðs it hæsta—Kann ek nökkurt nafn Guðs,—Þykkja mér slíkt eigi prestar er eigi kunna it hæsta nafn Guds—Kanntú nafnit?—Ek veit þann mann er kunna mun, … Nefn þú þá ef þú kannt! … Guð veit at ek vilda gjarna kunna, Bs. i. 421; engi skal sá vera hér með oss er eigi kunni nökkurs-konar list eðr kunnandi, Edda 31; ekki kann ek í skáldskap, Fms. vii. 60; kannt þú nakkvat í lögum?—Kunna þótta ek norðr þar, Nj. 33; at þetta væri at vísu lög þótt fáir kynni, 237; ek kann lítt til laga, 31: of sports, kunna á skíðum, Fms. i. 9; k. við skíð ok boga, Ó. H. 71; k. við buklara, Sturl. ii. 44; kunna á bók, to know by book, know how to read, Mar.
    2. to know by memory; kunna menn enn kvæði þeirra, Hkr. (pref.); hví kveðr þú flokka eina, kanntú ok engar drápur?—Eigi kann ek drápurnar færi en flokkana, Fms. vi. 391; ljóð ek þau kann, er kannat þjóðans son, Hm. 147 sqq.; þat kann ek it áttjánda, er ek æva kennig, 164; en Konr ungr kunni rúnar, Rm. 40, 42; kunna betr, id., Vkv. 26; kunna utan-bókar, to know without book, know by heart; hón kunni þær allar (Spurningar) vel, nema Sjötta kapitulann, … Sigríðr kunni allar Úlfars-rímur, Piltr og Stúlka 23.
    3. to know a person, a face; synir Heli vóru úsiðugir ok kunnu eigi Guð Dróttinn, Stj. 429; ek kann þann mann, 460; ok unni honum hverr maðr er hann (acc.) kunni, every man that knew him loved him, Hkr. i. 121; kann kvaðsk eigi k. þá ok eigi hirða hverir vóru, Barl. 36; þik kann ek fullgerva, I know thee well enough, Ls. 30; góða menn þá er ek görva kunna, Hbl. 7; kunna ek báða Brodd ok Hörvi, Hdl. 24; hverr er kunni (mik), Helr. 7; hvars menn eðli okkart k., 3: to know, of the character, hann kvað þá k. sik úgörla, er þeir veittu honum átölur, því at ek hefi dregit yðr undan dauða, segir hann, Ld. 282; ek kann hvárn-tveggja ykkarn konungs, Fms. vi. 100.
    4. spec. phrases; kunna góða stilling á e-u, hversu góða stilling hann kunni á herstjórninni, how skilful he was in military things, Fms. i. 98; k. hóf at um e-t, to know one’s measure in respect of a thing, to behave with moderation, Finnb. 356; Þorvaldr kvað hana ekki hóf at kunna, Ld. 134; allt kann sá er hófit kann, Gísl. 27; ef Griss kynni hóf sitt, Sd. 139; Klaufi, Klaufi, kunn þú hóf þitt? id.; kunna sér margt, to be skilled in many things; hón var væn kona, ok kunni sér allt vel, Dropl. 7, 35; hann kunni enga leið, he knew no road, Eg. 149; þeir munu eigi k. leiðina, Fs. 105: absol., uxarnir kunnu þó heim, found their way home, Dropl. 8; k. skyn e-s, to know all about …; hann kunni allra skyn í borginni, Fms. vi. 410; Ása ok Álfa ek kann allra skil, Hm. 160; k. önga mannraun, to have no experience of men, Fms. vi. 53; ek kann skap þitt at því, at …, Sturl. i. 30.
    II. metaph. usages; kunna e-m þökk, to be thankful, obliged to one, Fms. xi. 29, 32; at hann kynni þess mikla þökk ok aufusu, Eg. 521; veizla er yðr búin, kann ek yðr mikla þökk at þér þiggit, Fms. vi. 277; k. e-m úþökk fyrir e-t, v. 14; k. sér þörf til e-s, to feel the want of a thing; ef bóndi kann þess þörf, if he knows the need of it, Grág. i. 152; at hann leggi fram vöruna svá sem þú kannt þér þörf til, Ld. 70.
    2. kunna sik, to know oneself; sá er svinnr er sik kann, he is a wise man who knows himself, a saying, Hrafn. 10: to behave, Grímr kveðsk mundu meiða hann ef hann kynni sik eigi, Eg. 189; ok vita ef þeir kunni sik þá görr meir, Stj. 264; k. sik ílla, to be naughty, Bjarn.
    3. kunna sér, kunna munda ek mér þat ( I should know how to do that) ef ek hefða víg vegit, Gísl. 143; gá þess, ok kunn þér (take heed, learn!) at varask annars vígkæni, Sks. 383; er Þorólfr svá viti borinn, at hann mundi k. sér ( have sense enough) at vera eigi fyrir liði yðru, Eg. 134; kunni hann sér þann hagnað at girnask ekki Svía-konungs veldi, Ó. H. 57; en kunnit yðr engi forráð eðr fyrirhyggju þegar er ér komit í nokkurn vanda, 67.
    III. denoting feeling, to feel angry or pleased; kunna e-n e-s, to be angry with a person for a thing; þá bað Þórir konung, at hann skyldi eigi fyrirkunna hann þess at hann hafði Egil með sér um vetrinn, Eg. ch. 48; eigi vil ek fyrirkunna þik þessa orða, þvíat þú veizt eigi hvat varask skal, Ó. H. 57; eigi hugða ek at hann mætti mik þessa k., þvíat eigi drap ek son hans, Hrafn. 16; kveðr þeir eigi sik einskis at k., Ísl. ii. 314; kunnit mik eigi þess er ek mun mæla, Fbr. 116; spurði hvers hón kynni arfa-sátuna, Nj. 194, v. l.
    2. with prep.; kunna e-n um e-t, id.; eigi er hann um þat at kunna, Fs. 38; eigi munu þér kunna mik um þetta, Fms. i. 175; ekki áttú hann um þat at kunna, vi. 223; ef hertogi vill þik nokkut um þetta kunna, xi. 323; hón kunni hana mjök um áleitni þá, er …, Bs. i. 340.
    IV. with dat. to know; þeir er menn kunnu eigi hér máli eða tungu við, Grág. i. 224; ef lögsögumaðr kann þar eigi mönnum fyrir í þá sveit, i. 10 B; kunni hann náliga manns máli, Fas. ii. 443; hann kann eigi lítilmensku várri, Bjarn. 54; kann þjóð kerski minni, Ó. H. (in a verse); ek kann skapi Gunnhildar, I know Gunhilda’s temper, Nj. 5; kann ek glensyrðum yðrum Gautanna, Fas. iii. 80; ek kann ráðum Gunnhildar en kappi Egils, Eg. 257; ek kann skapi Hrafnkels, at hann mun ekki göra oss, ef hann náir þér eigi, Hrafn. 27: eigi kanntú góðgirnd (dat.) föður várs, ef hann hefir honum eigi undan skotið, Fs. 38.
    2. to be pleased with a thing or not; munda ek kunna því, at vér hefðim manna-lát mikit, ef …, Eg. 585; Eyjúlfr lézk því nafni mundu vel kunna, E. said be should be well pleased with that name, Glúm. 328; verðr hváru-tveggju at kunna, one must take one or other of the two, Ó. H. 52; vit munum því ílla k. ef þú veitir okkr eigi þat er vit beiðum, Eb. 114; hann kunni því stórílla ok hljóp í brott, Hkr. i. 36; munu synir Njáls ílla k. víginu, Nj. 64; Njáll kunni ílla láti Gunnars, 117; Ingi konungr kunni þessu svá ílla at hann grét sem barn, Fms. vii. 273; andaðisk hann, Guðríðr kona hans kunni því lítt, Fb. i. 543; til þess at hón kunni því betr andláti mínu, id.; ílla munu þeir k. höggum er heiman hafa hlaupit frá kirnu-askinum, Fms. viii. 350.
    3. with prep.; kann ek ekki við því at yðr þykki sumt ofjarl en sumt ekki at manni, I do not care for what you call …, Fms. vi. 53; kannka ek mart við veifanar-orði manna, I take no notice of idle rumours, Hallfred; hence the mod. phrase, kunna við e-ð, to be pleased with; eg kann ekki við það, I do not like it; kunna vel, ílla við sik, to feel happy, unhappy in a place or condition; eg kann vel við mig þar, I like the place.
    B. To be able, Lat. posse, (in Engl., can, pret. could, has ceased to be used except in the finite moods), with infin.; the senses often run one into the other, but the use of the infinitive shews that the sense can is at least partly implied; þá mælti konungr, ertu skáldit?—Hann sagði, kann ek yrkja, I know I can make verses, Hkr. i. 288; hann kunni görr veðr at sjá en aðrir inenn, Eb. 150; þá hluti er þeir kunna honum til at segja, 112; freista hvat hann kynni segja honum, Hkr. i. 228: hón sagði hann eigi k. at þiggja sóma sinn, Fs. 131; hugsit um hvar þann mann kann fá, where that man can be had, Stj. 460; svá hygginn at hann kunni fyrir sökum ráða, Grág. ii. 75; hvárt kanntú mér höll smíða? 656 B. 8; þeir er mildlega kunnu stýra Guðs hjörð, Hom. 37; kanntú nökkut yrkja? Fms. vi. 361; kunna eigi at mæla, he could not speak, Ld. 30; mikil tíðendi kannþú (= kannt þú) at segja af himnum, Edda 12; þú skalt eigi kunna frá tíðindum at segja, thou shalt not be able to tell the tidings, shall not escape with life, Nj. 8; um þá hluti er ek kann görr at sjá en þér, Ld. 186; ekki kann biskup görr at sjá mann á velli en ek, Fms. ii. 173.
    II. to chance, happen; ef Björn faðir þeirra kann fyrr andask, if B. should happen to die first, Dipl. v. 3; hvar sem þik kann at bera, wheresoever thou may happen to arrive, Fms. iv. 176; ef nokkut kann þat til at bera á þinni æfi, Gísl. 25; ef hann kann lengr at dveljask í brottu, D. N. v. 43; ok hón kann af þessum heimi brott at fara, iii. 137.
    C. Recipr. to know one another; þeir kunnusk, Mork. 106.
    2. part. kunnandi, cunning, knowing, learned, with gen.; veit ek at þú ert margs kunnandi, 655 xix. 3; hón var margs kunnandi, Fs. 73; Gyða var marg-kunnandi á fyrnsku ok fróðleik, 131.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > KUNNA

  • 48 LIFA

    * * *
    (lifl, lifða, lifat), v.
    1) to be left (er þriðjungr lifði nætr); meðan öld lifir, while the world stands;
    2) to live; meðan hann lifði, while he lived; at sér lifanda, in his life-time; lifa eptir e-n, to survive one (verðr maðr eptir annan at l.); l. við e-t, to live on, feed on (þeir lifðu nú við reka ok smádýri);
    3) to burn, of fire (lifði þar eldr í skála).
    * * *
    pres. lifi; pret. lifði; imperat. lif, lifðú, an older form lifi, 655 iv. 1, Stj. 445; neut. part. lifat, masc. lifðr, Hm. 69: there was a strong verb lifa, leif, lifu, lifinn, of which leifa is the causal, but of this word nothing now remains except the part. acc. lifna ( vivos), Hkv. 2. 27, and dat. lifnum ( vivo), 45: [Ulf. lifan = ζην; A. S. lifan; Engl. live; O. H. G. leban; Germ. leben; Swed. lefva; Dan. leve; a word common to all Teut. languages, the original sense of which was to be left, and so akin to leifa, = Lat. superstes esse, which sense still remains in some Icel. phrases; cp. also lifna.]
    A. To be left; þóat einn hleifr lifi eptir, although one loaf ‘lives’ behind, i. e. is left, N. G. L. i. 349; skal þat atkvæði þeirra vera í hverju máli sem þá lifir nafnsins eptir, er ór er tekinn raddar-stafr ór nafninu, Skálda (Thorodd); þá er þat atkvæði hans í hverju máli sem eptir lifir nafnsins, er ór er tekinn raddar-stafr ór nafni hans, id.
    2. of the day, night, or season; þá er þriðjungr lifir dags, when a third of the day is left, N. G. L. i. 9; þá er ellefu nætr lifðu eptir Aprilis mánaðar, 655 iii. 3; laugar-daginn áðr lifa átta vikur sumars, Grág. i. 122, K. Þ. K. 70; er mánuðr lifir vetrar, Grág. (Kb.) ii. 186; fóru þeir brott er mikit lifði nætr, Fms. i. 99; en er þriðjungr lifir nætr, mun hringt at Bura-kirkju, Fb. i. 204; en er þriðjungr lifði nætr, vakti Þorsteinn upp gesti sína, Fms. i. 70.
    3. in old sayings this sense is still perceptible, to remain, endure; atkvæði lifa lengst, Ísl. ii. (in a verse); lifa orð lengst eptir hvern, Fms. viii. 16: as also in old poems, hvat lifir manna (what of men will be left?), er hinn mæra fimbul-vetr líðr? Vþm. 44; meðan öld lifir, while the world stands, Vsp. 16; lifit einir ér, ye alone are left to me, Hðm. 4; otherwise this sense has become obsolete.
    B. To live; this sense has almost entirely superseded the old. The primitive word denoting life or to live in the Teut. languages was from the root of kvikr (q. v.), of which the verbal form has been replaced by lifa; meðan lifir, whilst he lives, Hm. 9, 53; meðan hann lifði, while he lived, Nj. 45; hann hélt vel trú meðan hann lifði, Fms. xi. 418; meðan þeir lifði (subj.) báðir, vi. 27; ek hefi lifat ok verit kallaðr bóndi nokkurra konunga æfi, 192; at sér lifanda, Lat. se vivo, Íb. 18, Grág. i. 202; lifa langan aldr, Nj. 62; the saying, þeir lifa langan aldr (mod. lengst) sem með orðum eru vegnir, = Engl. words break no bones, 252: lifi konungr, long live the king! (cp. Lat. vivat rex), Stj. 445; lifi heill þú, konungr! 655 iv. 1.
    2. lifa við, to live on, feed on; lifa við vín, Gm. 19; þat eina er vér megim lifa við, Al. 133; ok lifðu nú viðr reka, smádýri ok íkorna, Fs. 177: mod., lifa á e-u, to feed on, live on.
    3. in a moral sense, to live, conduct one’s life; hafði hann ok lifat svá hreinliga sem þeir Kristnir menn er bezt eru siðaðir, Landn. 38; lifa dýrligu lifi, Hom. 147; lifa vel, ílla, to live a good, bad life, passim: lifa eptir e-m, to indulge a person, 656 C. 37, 42.
    4. also used of fire, to live, be quick; svá at þar mátti lifa eldr, Fas. ii. 517, freq. in mod. usage, the Icel. say, eldrinn lifir, ljósið lifir; (cp. also, drepa ljósit, to kill, quench a fire, a light; eldrinn er dauðr, ljósit er dautt, the fire, the light is dead; eldrinn lifnar, is kindled;) for this interesting usage cp. also kvikr and kveykja, denoting life and fire.
    II. part. lifandi and lifandis, indecl. living; lifandis maðr, Mar.; lifandis sálar, Stj. 31; lifandis manna, 39; lifandis skepnu, 57; lifandis hlut, 75; but better, lifandi, pl. lifendr, alive, as also the living; í lifanda lifi, in one’s living life, opp. to a deyjanda degi (on one’s dying day) at vér sém dauðir heimi en lifendr Guði, Hom. 79; lifendra (mod. gen. pl.) og dauðra, the living and the dead; dæma lifendr og dauða (‘the quick and the dead,’ in the Creed).
    2. part. lifðr; betra er lifðum en sé úlifðum, better to be living than lifeless, i. e. while there is life there is hope, Hm. 69; úlifðan, deceased, Hkv. 2.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > LIFA

  • 49 SINNI

    m. poet. follower, companion.
    1) journey, walk; vera á sinnum, to be on the way; heill þú á sinnum sér, be happy on thy way; dagr var á sinnum, the day was passing by;
    2) fellowship, company; ríða í sinni e-m, to ride in one’s company;
    3) help, support (V. þakkar honum sitt s.); vera e-m í s., to side with one, help one (þú vildir, at allir væri þér í s.);
    4) time, = sinn; annat s., a second time, = annat sinn; þat s., that time.
    * * *
    and sinn, n., Vtkv. 5, Fas. i. 73, ii. 542; sinni is the truer form, but the word is mostly used in dat.; [A. S. síð; Ulf. sinþ]:—prop. a walk; er mér hefir aukið ervitt sinni, a heavy walk, Vtkv. 5.
    II. fellowship, company; nú skal brúðr snúask heim í sinni með mér, in my company, Alm. 1; ríða í sinni e-m, Skv. 3. 3; látum son fara feðr í sinni, 12; hrafn flýgr austan … ok eptir honum örn í sinni, Fas. i. 428 (in a verse); manngi er mér í sinni, i. e. I am alone, no one in my company, 247 (in a verse); vilja e-n sér í sinni, iii. 483 (in a verse): langt er at leita lýða sinnis, Akv. 17; þjóða sinni erumka þokkt, the fellowship of men is not to my liking, i. e. men shun me, Stor.
    2. concrete, a company; Vinda sinni, the company of the Wends, Lex. Poët.
    3. in plur., á sinnuin, on the way; heill þú á sinnum sér, be hale on the journey! Vþm. 4; dagr var á sinnum, the day was far on its way, was passing, Rm. 29; guðr var á sinnum, the battle drew to a close, Hkr. i. 95, Hornklofi (in a verse).
    III. metaph. help, support, backing; in prose it remains in the phrases, vera e-m í sinni, to ‘follow,’ side with one, help one; ifanarlaust er Guð í sinni með þeim manni, Barl. 93; mun ek heldr vera þér í sinni, Fb. i. 529; vóru þar margir menn með jarli um þetta mál ok honum í sinni, Fms. iv. 290; þú vildir at allir væri þér í sinni, Sturl. i. 36; þeir dýrka fjallaguðin, ok því hafa þau verit þeim í sinni, Stj. 598; leiðir Víðförull Jólf út ok þakkar honum sitt sinni, Fas. ii. 542; leggja í sinni við e-n, to back one, Bs. i. 882; hann þekkir sinni þeirra, at þeir vinna konunginum mikinn sigr, he knows (appreciates) their help, Fas. i. 73: in compds, fá-sinni (q. v.), solitude; sam-s., society; víl-s., q. v.
    B. sinn and sinni, as an adverb of time, in adverbial phrases, the latter form being rare and less correct, but occurring in a few instances in the accusative, as fyrsta sinni, N. G. L. i. 74; annat sinni, 340, Fms. vii. 325, Sks. 205; hvert sinni, Sks. 16, K. Þ. K. 10; í þat sinni, Sturl. iii. 217: [Ulf. sinþ, e. g. ainamma sinþa, = ἄπαχ, twaim sinþam = δίς, þrim sinþam = τρίς; Dan. sinde]:—a time, with numerals = Germ. mal; in acc, and dat. sing., eitt sinn, einu sinni, and dat. pl. tveim sinnum, etc.:
    α. acc. sing.; þat var eitt hvert sinn, one time it happened, Nj. 26, Fær. 242; annat sinn, the second time; í annat sinn, K. Þ. K. 14; hit þriðja sinn, the third time, 10; í hvárt sinnit, each time, id.; í hvárt sinn, 12; þat sinn, that time, then, Fms. i. 264; í þat sinn, Hkr. ii. 15, Grág. ii. 167; ekki sinn, at no time, not once, never, Skálda 167; aldri sinn síðan, never a time since, never more, Nj. 261; sitt sinn við hvert orð, K. Þ. K. 11: um sinn, once; eigi optarr enn um sinn, Grág. i. 57, 133; hann skal drepa barninu í vatn um sinn, K. Þ. K. 10, 12; eigi meirr enn um sinn, Nj. 85; ganga til skripta it minnsta um sinn á tólf mánuðum, K. Á. 192: for this one time, ek mun leysa þik ór vandræði þessu um sinn, Ísl. ii. 133; fyrst um sinn, for the present, Þórð. 69 (paper MS.), and so in mod. usage; um sinn-sakir, for this once, Ld. 184, 196, 310.
    β. dat. sing. upon a time; enu þriðja sinni, the third time, Blas. 40: eiuhverju sinni, a time, a certain time, Nj. 2, 216; einu sinni, once, in an indefinite sense, Hðm. 14 (Bugge, see the foot-note); er þá kostr at kveða einu sinni (= mod. einhvern tíma) skáldskap þann, Grág. ii. 151; in mod. usage einu sinni means once, for the old ‘um sinn’ is now obsolete: því sinni, for that time, for that occasion, Fms. vii. 129; at því sinni, Sks. 258; þessu sinni, this time, Fms. i. 126: at sinni, for this time, at present, Nj. 216, Ld. 202, Fms. i. 3, 159: sinni sjaldnar, once less, Rb. 450.
    γ. dat. plur.; sjau sinnum, seven times, Alg. 262; hundrað sinnum, Flóv. 33; þeim sinnum, er …, when, Sks. 211 B; endr ok sinnum, now and then, from time to time, Sks. 208 B.
    δ. gen. p!ur.; fimmtán tigum sinna, a hundred and fifty times, Dipl. ii. 14; sétta tigi sinna, Rb. 90; þúsundum sinna, a thousand times, Greg. 37.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > SINNI

  • 50 SNEMMA

    * * *
    older form snimma, adv.
    1) quickly, soon (hann var snemma mikill ok sterkr);
    2) early (ganga snemma at sofa); snemma um morgininn, early in the morning; with gen., snemma dags, morgins, early in the day, morning; snemma orrostunnar, in the beginning of the battle.
    * * *
    adv., older form snimma; the Cod. Reg. of Sæm. spells it with e and a double m, see the references below (from Bugge); fimm sn emma, Jd. 5 (skothending, according to the metre of that poem); but fimm hundraða snimma (aðalhending), Kormak; fimr snimma, Ht. R. 29; the compar. snemr (snimr) and superl. snemst are obsolete: [A. S. sneome]:— early = árla, q. v.
    1. gener. of time; borinn snemma, Vsp. 32; hve ér yðr s. til saka réðut, Skv. 3. 34; sáttir þínar er ek vil snemma hafa, Alm. 6; veðr mun þar vaxa verða ótt snemma, Am. 17; þat erumk sennt at s., sonr Aldaföður vildi freista …, Bragi; sá sveinn var snemma mikill ok fríðr sýnum, Fms. i. 14; görðisk þegar iþróttamaðr snemma, Hkr. i. 72; snemma fullkominn at afli, Eg. 146; s. mikill ok sterkr, Fs. 86; systir fann þeirra snemst, she was the first who saw them, Akv. 15; snemr enn þú hyggir, sooner than thou thinkest, Skv. 3. 54; hón var snemr ( ere) numin lífi. Edda (in a verse); hvé snemst ( how soonest) vér fám snekkjur búnar, Fas. i. 268 (in a verse); urðu snemst barðir, Bragi; þeirrar mildi ok góðvilja er hann téði oss nú enn snimst ( lately) er hann var í Níðarósi, D. N. ii. 87.
    2. of the day, early; snemma kallaði seggr annan, Vkv. 23; ganga snemma at sofa, Hm. 19; mikilsti snemma, 66; síð eða snemma, Þiðr. 57; síð ok snemma, Fms. x. 277; í nótt eða snemma á myrgin, viii. 397, v. l.; snemma um morguninn, Nj. 23; þriðja dag snimma, Ld. 266; Álfr konungr gékk opt snimma sofa, Hkr. i. 28.
    3. with gen., snimma orrostunnar, Fms. viii. 388; einn aptan snimma Jólanna, vii. 268; þat var ok snemma orrostu er Óláfr konungr féll, x. 399; snemma dags, Am. 67.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > SNEMMA

  • 51 voce

    f voice
    fig rumo(u)r
    in dizionario, elenco entry
    ad alta voce in a loud voice, loudly
    a bassa voce in a low voice, quietly
    spargere la voce spread rumo(u)rs
    * * *
    voce s.f.
    1 voice (anche fig.): una voce acuta, dolce, monotona, nasale, rauca, a shrill, gentle, dull, nasal, hoarse voice; voce di gola, petto, testa, throaty, chest-, head-voice; voce di tenore, soprano, tenor, soprano voice; voce bianca, treble voice; mi sta andando giù la voce, I'm losing my voice; abbassare, alzare la voce, to lower, to raise one's voice; parlare a voce alta, bassa, to speak in a loud, in a low voice; parlare sotto voce, to speak under one's breath (o to whisper); con un fil di voce, in a faint voice; ''Voce!'', ''Louder! (o Speak up!)''; ''Assassino!'', gli gridò con quanta voce aveva in corpo, ''Murderer!'' she screamed with every breath she had in her body; coprì la voce del dittatore battendo sulle pentole, he drowned the dictator's voice by banging on saucepans; ascolta la voce della coscienza!, listen to your conscience!; la voce del mare, del vento, the sound of the sea, of the wind; la voce della natura, the call of nature; la voce del popolo, public opinion (o vox populi); sentire le voci, to hear voices; è una voce nuova nella poesia italiana, she is a new voice in Italian poetry; preferisco parlartene a voce, I'd rather talk to you in person about it; a una voce, with one voice // fare la voce grossa, to speak threateningly // in queste cose non hai voce in capitolo, you have no say (o you carry no weight) in these matters // dar voce alle proprie emozioni, to voice one's emotions // dare una voce a qlcu., ( chiamarlo) to call s.o. // dar sulla voce a qlcu., ( contraddirlo) to contradict s.o.
    2 ( diceria) rumour: corre voce che sia colpevole, it is rumoured that he is guilty; spargere una voce, to spread a rumour; sono solo voci di corridoio, they are only rumours
    3 ( parola) word; entry: guardate sotto la voce 'campo', look under the entry 'campo'; è una voce nuova, antiquata, it is a new, an obsolete word
    4 (gramm.) ( genere del verbo) voice; ( parte del verbo) part: voce attiva, passiva, active, passive voice; 'siamo' è voce del verbo 'essere', 'siamo' is part of the verb 'essere'
    5 (mus.) voice, part: madrigale a 4 voci, a four-part madrigal
    6 ( articolo contabile) item, entry; ( intestazione) heading: le voci di una lista, the items on a list; le voci di un catalogo, the items of a catalogue // (amm.): voce di bilancio, balance sheet item; voce attiva, credit item (o entry); voce passiva, debit item (o entry); voci tariffarie, tariff headings; vedere alla voce 'costi e spese generali', look at the heading 'costs and overheads'
    7 (inform.) ( di lista, di tabella) entry.
    * * *
    sostantivo femminile
    1) voice (anche mus.)

    voce femminilewoman's o female voice

    voce maschileman's o male voice

    voce di soprano, baritono — soprano, baritone voice

    avere voce, una bella voce — to have a loud, beautiful voice

    a voce alta, bassa — in a loud, low voice

    sta cambiando la voce — [ adolescente] his voice is breaking

    2) (verso di animale) call, cry; (canto) song
    3) (opinione) voice

    a gran voce — loudly, in a loud voice

    4) (diceria) rumour BE, rumor AE, hearsay U, story (su on, about)

    mettere in giro o spargere la voce che... to set it about that...; corre voce che... rumour has it that..., there's a rumour around that..., the story goes that...; sono solo -i — they are only rumours

    5) (espressione) voice

    la voce della saggezza, della ragione, della coscienza, del cuore — the voice of wisdom, reason, conscience, the heart

    6) ling.

    voce attiva, passiva — active, passive voice

    "misi", voce del verbo "mettere" — "misi", form of the verb "mettere"

    7) (lemma) entry, headword; (in un elenco) heading

    sotto la o alla voce "stampanti" — under the heading "printers"

    8) econ. comm.

    voce di bilanciobudget o balance sheet item

    voce attiva, passiva — credit, debit item o entry

    voce biancatreble o white voice

    - i di corridoiorumours BE, rumors AE, backstairs gossip


    passare (la) voceto pass o spread the word

    dare voce a qcs., qcn. — to give voice to sth., sb.

    avere voce in capitoloto have a voice o say in the matter

    * * *
    sostantivo f.
     1 voice (anche mus.); voce femminile woman's o female voice; voce maschile man's o male voice; voce di soprano, baritono soprano, baritone voice; avere voce, una bella voce to have a loud, beautiful voice; essere giù di voce to be hoarse; perdere la voce to lose one's voice; cantata per quattro -i cantata for four voices; alzare la voce to raise one's voice (anche fig.); abbassare la voce to lower one's voice; a voce alta, bassa in a loud, low voice; sotto voce →  sottovoce; gridare con quanta voce si ha in corpo to shout at the top of one's lungs; sta cambiando la voce [ adolescente] his voice is breaking; voce! (al cinema) louder! (per invitare a parlare più forte) speak up!
     2 (verso di animale) call, cry; (canto) song
     3 (opinione) voice; la voce del popolo the voice of the people; fare sentire la propria voce to make oneself heard; a gran voce loudly, in a loud voice
     4 (diceria) rumour BE, rumor AE, hearsay U, story (su on, about); mettere in giro o spargere la voce che... to set it about that...; corre voce che... rumour has it that..., there's a rumour around that..., the story goes that...; sono solo -i they are only rumours
     5 (espressione) voice; la voce della saggezza, della ragione, della coscienza, del cuore the voice of wisdom, reason, conscience, the heart
     6 ling. voce attiva, passiva active, passive voice; "misi", voce del verbo "mettere" "misi", form of the verb "mettere"
     7 (lemma) entry, headword; (in un elenco) heading; sotto la o alla voce "stampanti" under the heading "printers"
     8 econ. comm. voce di bilancio budget o balance sheet item; voce attiva, passiva credit, debit item o entry
    a (viva) voce in person; passare (la) voce to pass o spread the word; dare voce a qcs., qcn. to give voice to sth., sb.; fare la voce grossa to raise one's voice; avere voce in capitolo to have a voice o say in the matter
    voce bianca treble o white voice; voce di petto chest-voice; voce di testa head-voice; - i di corridoio rumours BE, rumors AE, backstairs gossip.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > voce

  • 52 càbag

    a cheese; Scottish cabback, kebbock. The latter form ( kebbock) is probably from a Gaelic ceapag, cepag, obsolete in Gaelic in the sense of "a cheese", but still used for the thick wooden wheel of wheel-barrows; it is from Gaelic ceap. Scottish cabback is a side form of kebbock, and it seems to have been re-borrowed into Gaelic as càbag. The real Gaelic word for "a cheese" is now mulachag.

    Etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language > càbag

  • 53 στείχω

    Grammatical information: v.
    Meaning: `to march in (in order), to march, to rise, to draw, to go' (ep. Ion. poet. Il., also Aeol. prose).
    Other forms: ( στίχω Hdt. 3, 14; coni. Dind. in S. Ant. 1129 ex H.), aor. 2. στιχεῖν (aor. 1. περί-στειξας δ 277).
    Compounds: Often w. prefix, e.g. ἀπο-, δια-, ἐπι-, προσ-. As 2. element e.g. in μονό-στιχος `consisting of one verse' (Plu.), e.g. τρί-στοιχος `consisting of three rows' (μ 91), - εί adv. `in three rows' ( 473), μετα-στοιχεί meaning unclear (Ψ 358 a. 757); σύ-στοιχος `belonging to the same row, coordinated, corresponding' (Arist. etc.).
    Derivatives: From it, prob. as deverbative, but also related to στίχες (Leumann Hom. Wörter 185 f.), στιχάομαι, also w. περι-, συν-, `id.' in 3. pl. ipf. ἐστιχόωντο (Il., Theoc., Nonn.), pres. στιχόωνται (Orph.), act. στιχόωσι, ptc. n. pl. - όωντα (hell. a. late ep.); ὁμοστιχάει 3. sg. pres. `escorted' (Ο 635: *ὁμό-στιχος or for ὁμοῦ στ.?). -- Nouns. A. στίχ-ες pl., gen. sg. στιχ-ός f. `rank(s), file(s)', esp. of soldiers, `battle-array, line of battle' (ep. poet. Il.). -- B. στίχος m. `file, rank', of soldiers, trees, etc., often of words `line' in verse and prose (Att. etc.). στιχ-άς f. `id.' only in dat. pl. στιχάδεσσι ( Epigr.). Dim. - ίδιον (Plu.); - άριον `coat, tightly fitting garment' (pap.). Adj. - ινος, - ικός, - ήρης, - ηρός, adv. - ηδόν (late). Vb - ίζω `to arrange in rows' (LXX; v. l. στοιχ-) with - ιστής. - ισμός (Tz.), περι- στείχω = περιστοιχίζω (s.bel.; A.). -- C. στοῖχος m. `file or column of soldiers, choir members, ships etc., layer of building stones, row of trees, poles etc.' (IA.). From this στοιχ-άς f. `arranged in rows' ( ἐλᾶαι, Sol. ap. Poll. a.o.), - άδες ( νῆσοι) name of a group of islands near Massilia (A. R. a.o.); from this the plantname στοιχάς (Orph., Dsc.) after Strömberg 127 (with Dsc.), with - αδίτης οἶνος `wine spiced with s.' (Dsc.). Cultnames of Zeus resp. Athena: - αῖος (Thera), - αδεύς (Sikyon), - εία (Epid.) referring to the arrangement in phylai. Further adj. - ιαῖος `measuring one row' (Att. inscr.), - ικός (late); adv. - ηδόν (Arist. etc.), - ηδίς (Theognost.) `line by line'. Verbs: 1. στοιχ-έω (because of the meaning hardly deverbative with Schwyzer 720), also w. περι-, συν- a. o., `to form a row, to stand in file and rank, to match, to agree, to be content, to follow' (X., Att. inscr., Arist. hell. a. late); - ούντως `matching, consequent' (Galatia, Aug. time). 2. - ίζω, often w. περι-, also δια-, κατα-, `to arrange in a line, to order' (A. Pr. 484 a. 232, X. a.o.) with - ισμός (Poll.); περι- στείχω `to fence in all around with nets (net-poles), to ensnare' (D., Plb. etc.). -- D. στοιχεῖον, often pl. - εῖα n. `letters in freestanding, alphabetical form' (beside γράμματα `character, script'), also (arisen from this?) `lines, (systematic) dogmas, principles, (physical) element' (Pl., Arist. etc.), `heavenly bodies, elementary spirits, nature demons, magic means' (late a. Byz.); also `shadow-line' as time-measure (Att. com.; cf. σκιὰ ἀντίστοιχος E. Andr. 745) a.o.; prop. "object related to a row, entering a row, forming a part of a whole, member of a row" (on the formation cf. σημεῖον, μνημεῖον, ἐλεγεῖον a.o.); on the development of the meaning which is in many ways unclear Burkert Phil. 103, 167 ff. w. further extensive lit., esp. Diels Elementum (1899). Diff. Lagercrantz (s. Bq); to be rejected. - From it στοιχει-ώδης `belonging to the στοιχεῖα, elementary' (Arist. etc.), of barley `in several rows' as opposed to ἄ-στοιχος πυρός (Thphr.), so either = στοιχ-ώδης or miswritten for it. Denom. verb. στοιχει-όω `to introduce to the principles' (Chrysipp. a.o.), `to equip with magical powers, to charm' (Byz.; cf. Blum Eranos 44, 315ff.) with - ωσις, - ωμα, - ωτής, - ωτικός (Epicur., Phld. a.o.), - ωματικός (Ps.-Ptol.); cf. on this Mugler Dict. géom. 380 f.
    Origin: IE [Indo-European] [1017] * steigh- `stride'
    Etymology: Old inherited group with several representatives also in other idg. languages. The full grade thematic present στείχω agrees exactly to Germ. and Celtic forms, e.g. Goth. steigan ` steigen', OIr. tiagu `stride, go', IE *stéighō. Beside it Skt. has a zero grade nasal present stigh-no-ti `rise'; similar, inmeaning deviant, OCS po-stignǫ `get in, reach, hit' (length of the stemvowel secondary). A deviant meaning is also shown by the full grade yot-present Lit. steig-iù, inf. steĩg-ti `found, raise', also (obsolete) `hurry'; on this Fraenkel s. v. -- Further several nouns, esp. in Germ.: OHG steg m. ` Steg, small bridge', OWNo. stig n. `step' from PGm. * stiga-z, -n, IE * stigh-o-s (= στίχος), - o-m; OE stige -n. `going up, down' (i-stem from older rootnoun = στίχ-ες?). With oi-ablaut Alb. shtek `transit, entrance, road, hair-parting' (= στοῖχος), thus Goth. staiga, OHG steiga f. `mountain-path, road', Latv. staiga f. `course', cf. Lith. adv. staigà `suddenly' (would be Gr. *στοιχή) etc., s. WP. 2, 614 f., Pok. 1017 f., also W.-Hofmann s. vestīgium w. further forms a. lit.
    Page in Frisk: 2,783-785

    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > στείχω

  • 54 Великий пост

    1) General subject: Lent (It is a shortened form of "lencten", the Anglo-Saxon word for Spring. From the same root comes the word "lengthening", marked for the Anglo-Saxons the lengthening of the days.)
    2) Obsolete: Quadragesima
    3) Religion: Lent (In the Christian church, a period of penitential preparation for Easter), Lenten season, Quadragesima (Lent, also the Fortieth Day Before Easter Breviary, сокр. Quadrag.), easter fast, quadragesima sunday, great fast, lenten fast, lenten period

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Великий пост

  • 55 бонтон

    1) General subject: bon ton, gentlemanliness

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > бонтон

  • 56 великий пост

    1) General subject: Lent (It is a shortened form of "lencten", the Anglo-Saxon word for Spring. From the same root comes the word "lengthening", marked for the Anglo-Saxons the lengthening of the days.)
    2) Obsolete: Quadragesima
    3) Religion: Lent (In the Christian church, a period of penitential preparation for Easter), Lenten season, Quadragesima (Lent, also the Fortieth Day Before Easter Breviary, сокр. Quadrag.), easter fast, quadragesima sunday, great fast, lenten fast, lenten period

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > великий пост

  • 57 внешняя форма

    1) Obsolete: scheme
    2) Mathematics: exterior form, exteriorform
    3) Metallurgy: exterior shape
    4) Patents: configuration
    5) Polymers: external shape

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > внешняя форма

  • 58 депрессия

    1) General subject: cafard, crack up, doldrum, doldrums (be in the doldrums - хандрить, быть в плохом настроении), heaviness, hyp, low (барическая), low area, slough, dismals
    2) Medicine: English disease, acedia, collapse (соматогенная или психогенная), dejection, melancholia, melancholy, mental depression
    3) Colloquial: (глубокая) crack-up
    4) Obsolete: spleen
    5) Latin: taedium vitae
    6) Engineering: cyclone (барическая), dell (в верховьях долины), low-pressure system (барическая), pressure drawdown (в скважине), pressure minimum
    8) Automobile industry: diminution of pressure
    10) Psychology: dejectedness
    12) Graphic expression: black dog
    13) Business: slump
    14) Petrography: drawdown (на пласт)
    15) Drilling: draw-down
    16) Sakhalin energy glossary: pressure drop, underburden on formation
    17) Oil&Gas technology sag, sink
    18) Oilfield: basin
    20) Gold mining: fan pressure

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > депрессия

  • 59 изменчивый

    2) Geology: metamorphic
    3) Obsolete: various
    4) Poetical language: wanton (о ветре и т. п.)
    5) Engineering: fluctuating, unsettled
    6) Railway term: treacherous, variant
    7) Economy: erratical
    8) Automobile industry: irregular
    9) Information technology: variational
    10) Business: erratic
    11) Drilling: unsteady
    12) Makarov: erratic (напр. о ценах), erratic (напр., о ценах), erratic (о ценах), erratical (напр. о ценах), erratical (о ценах), inequable, inequal, instable, shifty, varied, varied in form, variform, varying, wavy

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > изменчивый

  • 60 квитанция

    1) General subject: acquittance, check, pay slip, quietus (долга), receipt, scrip, tally, ticket, counterfoil
    3) Obsolete: quittance
    4) Military: confirmation
    7) Accounting: Blue Slip
    8) Automobile industry: bill
    9) Indian language: challan
    10) Telecommunications: aquittance
    11) Information technology: acknowledge (character), acknowledgment
    12) Oil: ticket (замерщика нефтепродуктов в резервуаре, цемента или химических реагентов на складе), voucher
    14) Banking: slip
    16) Business: discharge
    17) Network technologies: affirmative character
    19) Security: acknowledgement
    20) SAP.tech. rcpt
    21) Logistics: pay receipt

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > квитанция

См. также в других словарях:

  • Form — • The original meaning of the term form, both in Greek and Latin, was and is that in common use • eidos, being translated, that which is seen, shape, etc., with secondary meanings derived from this, as form, sort, particular, kind, nature… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Form (computer virus) — Computer virus Fullname = Form Common name = Form Technical name = Form Family = N/A Aliases = Form18, Forms Classification = Virus Type = DOS Subtype = Boot virus IsolationDate = June 1990 Isolation = Switzerland Origin = Switzerland (?) Author …   Wikipedia

  • Obsolete (album) — Obsolete Studio album by Fear Factory Released July 28, 1998 March 23, 1999 (limited edition d …   Wikipedia

  • form — I n. printed document 1) to fill in (BE), fill out (esp. AE), fill up (obsol. BE) a form 2) an application; tax form shape manner 3) to assume, take (on) a form (to assume human form) 4) an abridged, condensed; comprehensive; concise; convenient …   Combinatory dictionary

  • obsolete — obsoletely, adv. obsoleteness, n. /ob seuh leet , ob seuh leet /, adj., v., obsoleted, obsoleting. adj. 1. no longer in general use; fallen into disuse: an obsolete expression. 2. of a discarded or outmoded type; out of date: an obsolete… …   Universalium

  • obsolete — ob•so•lete [[t]ˌɒb səˈlit, ˈɒb səˌlit[/t]] adj. v. let•ed, let•ing 1) no longer in general use: obsolete customs[/ex] 2) of a discarded or outmoded type: an obsolete battleship[/ex] 3) ling. (of a linguistic form) no longer in use, esp., out of… …   From formal English to slang

  • form — /fɔm / (say fawm) noun 1. definite shape; external shape or appearance considered apart from colour or material; configuration. 2. the shape of a thing or person. 3. a body, especially that of a human being. 4. something that gives or determines… …  

  • Obsolete golf clubs — Early golf clubs were all made of wood. They were hand crafted, often by the players themselves, and had no standard shape or form. As the sport of golf developed, a standard set of clubs began to take shape, with different clubs being fashioned… …   Wikipedia

  • form|er — for|mer1 «FR muhr», adjective. 1. the first mentioned of two: »When she is offered ice cream or pie, she always chooses the former because she likes ice cream better. 2. earlier; past; long past: »In former times, cooking was done in fireplaces… …   Useful english dictionary

  • SEC Form U-1 — An application or declaration made by a company to the Securities Exchange Commission, of an issue or sale of securities, an acquisition, or sale of assets. Form U 1 was known as the Uniform Application to Register Securities. This form is now… …   Investment dictionary

  • in|form — in|form1 «ihn FRM», transitive verb. 1. to supply with knowledge, facts, or news; tell: »Please inform your students of the changes in today s schedule. The witness informed the jury about the details. 2. to inspire; animate: »God informed their… …   Useful english dictionary

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